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 Splunk Observability Cloud API endpoint overview

    The following table includes a complete list of the Splunk Observability Cloud API endpoints.

    Info Circle

    To create an organization access token (org token) with specific permissions, use the Splunk Observability Cloud user interface.

    Send Metrics and Events APISends metrics to Splunk Observability CloudPOSThttps://ingest.<REALM>
    Send Metrics and Events APISends custom events to Splunk Observability CloudPOSThttps://ingest.<REALM>
    Backfill APISends historical MTS to Splunk Observability CloudPOSThttps://backfill.<REALM>
    Metrics Metadata APIRetrieves dimensions based on a queryGEThttps://api.<REALM>
    Metrics Metadata APIRetrieves metadata for a dimension and valueGEThttps://api.<REALM><key>/<value>
    Metrics Metadata APIOverwrites metadata for the specified dimensionPUThttps://api.<REALM><key>/<value>
    Metrics Metadata APIRetrieve metadata for metricsGEThttps://api.<REALM>
    Metrics Metadata APIRetrieves the metadata for a metric nameGEThttps://api.<REALM><name>
    Metrics Metadata APIRetrieves metric time series (MTS) metadata based on a queryGEThttps://api.<REALM>
    Metrics Metadata APIRetrieves the MTS metadata for a metric time seriesGEThttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Metrics Metadata APIRetrieves metadata for tagsGEThttps://api.<REALM>
    Metrics Metadata APIDeletes a tagDELETEhttps://api.<REALM><name>
    Metrics Metadata APIRetrieves metadata for a tagGEThttps://api.<REALM><name>
    Metrics Metadata APICreates or updates a tagPUThttps://api.<REALM><name>
    APM Trace Download APIGets trace segments for a specific trace IDGEThttps://api.<REALM>{traceId}/segments
    APM Trace Download APIGets trace content for a specific trace segmentGEThttps://api.<REALM>{traceId}/{segmentTimestamp}
    APM Trace Download APIGets the most recent trace segmentGEThttps://api.<REALM>{traceId}/latest
    Charts APIGets one or more charts based on selection criteriaGEThttps://api.<REALM>
    Charts APICreates a new chartPOSThttps://api.<REALM>
    Charts APIDeletes an existing chartDELETEhttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Charts APIRetrieves a single chartGEThttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Charts APIUpdates an existing chartPUThttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Dashboards APIRetrieves dashboards based on search criteriaGEThttps://api.<REALM>
    Dashboards APICreates a single dashboardPOSThttps://api.<REALM>
    Dashboards APICreates a new dashboard containing new chartsPOSThttps://api.<REALM>
    Dashboards APIDeletes the dashboard specified in the <id> path parameterDELETEhttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Dashboards APIRetrieves a dashboard specified in the <id> path parameterGEThttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Dashboards APIUpdates a dashboard specified in the <id> path parameterPUThttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Dashboard Groups APIRetrieves dashboard groups based on search criteriaGEThttps://api.<REALM>
    Dashboard Groups APICreates a dashboard groupPOSThttps://api.<REALM>
    Dashboard Groups APIDeletes a dashboard groupDELETEhttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Dashboard Groups APIRetrieves a single dashboard groupGEThttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Dashboard Groups APIUpdates a dashboard groupPUThttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Dashboard Groups APIMake a clone of an existing dashboardPOSThttps://api.<REALM><id>/dashboard
    Detectors APIRetrieves detectors based on search criteriaGEThttps://api.<REALM>
    Detectors APICreates a detectorPOSThttps://api.<REALM>
    Detectors APIValidates a v2 detectorPOSThttps://api.<REALM>
    Detectors APIDeletes a single detectorDELETEhttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Detectors APIRetrieves a specified detectorGEThttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Detectors APIUpdates properties for a v2 detectorPUThttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Detectors APIDisables detect blocks for a v2 detectorPUThttps://api.<REALM><id>/disable
    Detectors APIEnables detect blocks for a v2 detectorPUThttps://api.<REALM><id>/enable
    Detectors APIRetrieves events generated by a v2 detectorGEThttps://api.<REALM><id>/events
    Detectors APIGets active incidents for a v2 detectorGEThttps://api.<REALM><id>/incidents
    Data Links APIRetrieves data links based on search criteriaGEThttps://api.<REALM>
    Data Links APICreates one or more data link targetsPOSThttps://api.<REALM>
    Data Links APIDeletes the single data link specified by an IDDELETEhttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Data Links APIRetrieves the single data link specified by an IDGEThttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Data Links APIUpdates the single data link specified by an IDPUThttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Incidents and Alerts APIRetrieves muting rules based on search criteriaGEThttps://api.<REALM>
    Incidents and Alerts APICreates a new muting rulePOSThttps://api.<REALM>
    Incidents and Alerts APIDeletes a muting rule specified in the <id> path parameterDELETEhttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Incidents and Alerts APIRetrieves the muting rule specified in the <id> path parameterGEThttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Incidents and Alerts APIUpdates a muting rulePUThttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Incidents and Alerts APIEnds the active muting period for a muting rulePUThttps://api.<REALM><id>/unmute
    Incidents and Alerts APIRetrieves information for all incidentsGEThttps://api.<REALM>
    Incidents and Alerts APIClears specified incidentsPUThttps://api.<REALM>
    Incidents and Alerts APIRetrieves the incident specified in the <id> path parameterGEThttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Incidents and Alerts APIClears an incident specified by the <id> path parameterPUThttps://api.<REALM><id>/clear
    Retrieve Custom Events APIRetrieves custom events specified by search criteriaGEThttps://ingest.<REALM>
    Integrations APIRetrieves integrations based on search criteriaGEThttps://api.<REALM>
    Integrations APICreates an integrationPOSThttps://api.<REALM>
    Integrations APIValidates the integration specified in the <id> path parameterGEThttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Integrations APIDeletes an integration specified in the <id> path parameterDELETEhttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Integrations APIRetrieves an integration specified in the <id> path parameterGEThttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Integrations APIUpdates an integration specified in the <id> path parameterPUThttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Session Tokens APIInvalidates an existing session tokenDELETEhttps://api.<REALM>
    Session Tokens APICreates a session tokenPOSThttps://api.<REALM>
    Org Tokens APIRetrieve one or more org tokens specified by search criteriaGEThttps://api.<REALM>
    Org Tokens APICreate an org tokenPOSThttps://api.<REALM>
    Org Tokens APIDeletes the org token specified in the <name> path parameterDELETEhttps://api.<REALM><name>
    Org Tokens APIRetrieve the org token specified in the <name> path parameterGEThttps://api.<REALM><name>
    Org Tokens APIUpdates the org token specified in the <name> path parameterPUThttps://api.<REALM><name>
    Org Tokens APIRotates the secret for the org token specified in the <name> path parameterPOSThttps://api.<REALM><name>/rotate
    Organizations APIGets the organization objectGEThttps://api.<REALM>
    Organizations APIRetrieve all custom categories for the organizationGEThttps://api.<REALM>
    Organizations APICreate, update, or delete custom categoriesPATCHhttps://api.<REALM>
    Organizations APIRetrieves members of the organizationGEThttps://api.<REALM>
    Organizations APIInvites a user to the organizationPOSThttps://api.<REALM>
    Organizations APIDeletes the member specified in the <id> path parameterDELETEhttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Organizations APIRetrieves the information for the member specified in the <id> path parameterGEThttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Organizations APIUpdates the administrative access for the member specified in the <id> path parameterPUThttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Organizations APIInvites users to the organizationPOSThttps://api.<REALM>
    Teams APIRetrieves teams based on search criteriaGEThttps://api.<REALM>
    Teams APICreates a teamPOSThttps://api.<REALM>
    Teams APIDeletes the team specified in the <id> path parameterDELETEhttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Teams APIRetrieves the team specified in the <id> path parameterGEThttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Teams APIUpdates the team specified in the <id> path parameterPUThttps://api.<REALM><id>
    Teams APIRetrieves a team member for a teamGEThttps://api.<REALM><id>/member/<orgUserId>
    Teams APIUpdates team membersPUThttps://api.<REALM><id>/members
    Teams APIUpdates user team manager flag for a single userPUThttps://api.<REALM><id>/membership
    Teams APIUpdates team manager flags for multiple team membersPUThttps://api.<REALM><id>/memberships
    SignalFlow APICreates a WebSocket connection to SignalFlowGEThttps://stream.<REALM>
    SignalFlow APIStarts a SignalFlow computationPOSThttps://stream.<REALM>
    SignalFlow APIPreview count of detector alertsPOSThttps://stream.<REALM>
    SignalFlow APIRetrieves status and feedback messages for a computationGEThttps://stream.<REALM><id>/feedback
    SignalFlow APIStops a SignalFlow computationPOSThttps://stream.<REALM><id>/stop
    Retrieve MTS APIRetrieves MTS for a specified time windowGEThttps://api.<REALM>